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Sierra Expedition - YMCA Adventure Guides
Each Circle has a responsibility for the Expedition activities at the Spring Rough-Out. Please come prepared to perform your assigned duties. Planning and confident execution will make this a great event for everyone.
Assignments include responsibility for setup AND cleanup of your activity. Please save your receipts for materials. Write your name on them and submit them at the Rough-Out to Bruce Barton (Shasta Circle), Expedition Treasure Keeper.
NOTE: Bring lots of ice and liquids for the girls (dads, too). Little people (and dads) can become dehydrated very quickly under the Pinnacles sun. The camp store has ice and drinks, but a liter of Coke is about the same price as a barrel of Arabian crude. Sunblock is mandatory, hats are recommended strongly. Saturday arrivers should bring more ice for the Friday-nighters.
We may not have a fulltime lifeguard at the pool on Saturday, so we may have to share the responsibility of standing 15 minute watches, the limit for non-trained watchers to maintain good concentration. When on watch, always face the pool. If someone wants to talk to you, place that person between you and the pool so you can converse while keeping your eyes on the water. A bright hat and whistle will be provided for the watcher.
Bring a folding table and chairs for dinner in the open sandy area of site 85B. Initial dinner serving responsibility will go to the Ponderosa circle, but if you have a particular desire to help serve the girls, please feel free to volunteer. When you have finished your own dinner, please do volunteer to relieve a server so he can enjoy his own dinner.
Photos and Frame Making - Tioga Circle, Site 85C (under trees) Buy Popsicle sticks, scissors, glue, art supplies (stamps, stickers, magic markers). Polaroid film is leftover from the Square Dance. Jim Pyle will bring 2 cameras. Set up on the two picnic tables under the trees in site 85C. Only ONE photo per dad/daughter.
“Not-Bobbing-for-Apples” - El Dorado Circle, Site 85B (shady creek area) Details forthcoming. Possibly a scavenger hunt?
Swimming - Tahoe Circle (pool) The Y may provide a life guard, if one is available and the price is right. If a Y lifeguard doesn't work out, Bryan Miller, or his designee, will bring a whistle and brightly colored hat to wear during the first 15 minute watch. Each watcher is then responsible to hand off the next watch to an eager volunteer. Please keep an eye on the clock to take the hat on a quarter-hour change of watch. The watcher is encouraged to solicit a volunteer LOUDLY when his watch is over.
Water Balloon Toss - Mystic Circle, Site 85B (sunny/sandy area) We should probably prepare a few extra balloons, in case the dads have any devious plans…with the opportunity for princesses to retaliate…but who's planning? Around 100-150 should be enough. Purchase balloons and winner awards (Affordable Treasures in Los Gatos would have both).
Miniature Golf - Paradise Circle, Site 85A & 85C (if needed) Details are known to few, expectations are high. W!IA (Waynoon!-In-Advance) to the Paradise Circle for ambitious creativity! The fairways will extend from the sunny side of 85C toward 85A. The shady area and fire rings in 85A are off-limits Saturday afternoon for ceremony setup.
Tug-o-War - Mystic Circle, Site 85B (sunny/sandy area) Bring the rope from the YMCA. Bring a whistle to attract attention and start/stop the event. Purchase winner awards (Affordable Treasures in Los Gatos is a ready resource for this).
These activities are particularly important to support Chef Jeff (Chinook) in making good on his promise of another fabulous feat of Cajun-style camp cooking. The camp kitchen is in site 85B under the trees. Dinner will be served in the open sandy area.
Preparation - All, Site 85B, 10:00am and 1:00pm Come to site 85B and ask for Jeff or John.
Setup - Shasta, Site 85B, 5:00pm. Steve Blaz, or his designee, will be Setup Chief. Dinner setup consists of setting out tableware and doing as Chef Jeff requires to get ready for serving dinner.
Serving - Circle Navigators and Compass Bearers, Site 85B, 5:30pm Circle Navigators and Compass Bearers will assist Chef Jeff with serving dinner to the girls and dads. When you have finished your dinner, volunteer to take over serving so that a server can enjoy his own dinner.
Cleanup - Zephyr & Ponderosa, Site 85B, 6:15pm Tom Jevens, or his designee, will be Cleanup Chief. Assist Chef Jeff with general cleanup, washing of cookware, and hauling trash bags up to washroom area.