Sierra Expedition - YMCA Adventure Guides
Tioga Circle Meetings
Tioga has a monthly meeting, lasting 1½ hours.
Each meeting has a host Father/Daughter, and the meeting usually takes place at the host family's house.
- Host provides and serves refreshments.
Refreshments are an out of pocket expense for the host family; Some of our dads keep it simple- others go wild!
- As each family arrives, the girls join the "borg" with the other girls; and the dads have a snack
- When a quorum is reached, the girls are rounded up and start on their activity- this can be a craft of some sort, swimming, anything...
- Meanwhile, the dads have their meeting.
- Upcoming events are discussed
- Wampum is collected during the meeting- $5 per family.
- When the dads are done and the activity completed, the general meeting starts
- The Navigator welcomes everyone and starts the meeting with general "announcement".
- The “scouting” reports are delivered
- The host's princess beats the drum once for each princess present.
- The drum is passed around the room.
- Each Princess beats the drum once, says her name and princess name,
and gives a report of something they've done in the last month.
This typically includes an activity or event they have done with their family, birthdays, etc....
- Navigator announces upcoming expedition events, next meeting, etc.
- Navigator leads closing ritual ("Pals Always, Friends Forever")
- Meeting is adjourned.