Driving Directions (From the South)
- Take 85 North to 280 North
- Exit to the west at Woodside Road (Highway 84)
- OR, exit to the west at Sand Hill Road and then:
- Sand Hill to Portola Road (turn right) 2.1 miles
- Portola to Highway 84 (turn left, South) 0.8 miles
- Take Highway 84 to Pescadero Road (turn left) 10.3 miles
(Intermediate Landmark: Skyline Blvd/Highway 35)
- Take Pescadero Road to Jones Gulch 4 miles
(CAUTION: After only one mile on Pescadero Road, you
must bear to the RIGHT (WEST) and not, repeat not, continue left on
Alpine Road.)
- If you see a sign that says, "Loma Mar
YMCA Conference Center", STOP!, You've gone 1.2 miles too far.
Portola Road Detail