Sierra Expedition
Sierra Expedition - YMCA Adventure Guides

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YMCA Sierra Expedition Fall Campout - 2013

Friday, October 5th - Sunday, October 7nd

The fall campout will be held at the San Francisco YMCA's Jones Gulch facility. This is cabin-camping, not tent camping. The YMCA staff will provide breakfast and lunch; Saturday dinner will be provided by a caterer. Circles do have responsibilities for supporting the activities, meal setup/cleanup, and assistance in preparing and serving the Saturday dinner.

Registration Checklist:

If you plan on attending Jones Gulch, please take the following steps:

1. Decide how many nights you plan on staying- your total program fee is based on how many nights you stay.

2. Complete the SouthWest YMCA Registration and SF YMCA liability release form.

3. Submit your completed registration materials and appropriate fee to your circle navigator.

4. Check in at the registration table @ Jones Gulch upon arrival to pick up your welcome packet.

Jones Gulch Info

How to get there, where you'll stay:

Jobs you'll need to do:

Fun stuff to do with your daughter:

Some other useful documents:

Stuff to Bring: